
Thursday, July 7, 2011


I'm not really in a blogging mood this couple of days. And so i heard that the posting letters for all the recent freshly graduated Assistant Medical Officers in Semenanjung were already out. Sabah & Sarawak as usual, no further infos. Huhuhu. Kenak slalu lambat owh ctok. Well, probably i will start to work on the 18th of July but I still havent got a clue which hospital i might be working in. My first choice was Sibu, then Miri and Bintulu. Fingers crossed...

I hope I can get Sibu as I'm the only Sibunite in my class. hahaha. Damn, I'm quite nervous, excited yet kinda scared to start my life as a paramedic. Will be updating soon. Adios.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Semester 5: Part 1 (Orthopaedic Unit SGH)

I think semester 5 was the best semester among of all. This was where i learned that i really love the medical field and learned to be a human being as well. As you know, during this semester, im no longer the president for our student's council so the weigh is lifted. Ahhh...finally free. But it came with a price. I am no longer having the power to arrange the clinical groupings like i did in the previous two semesters. I was kinda frustrated because i used to have all the things to my likings but suddenly i just lose anything. It took me a while for me to realize that i'm just a regular student like everybody else. Reality check. It was hard to swallow but i finally realize it was really not that bad.

Our groupings was done by our own tutor so basically I might ended up in a group consisting of people that I am not fond of or people who I didnt know personally in class. Well, we were arranged according to alphabetical order and the only complain i had was i never really know half of them in the class. In fact, I barely speak to most of them in the class when i was in lower semester. Then I said to myself, why just i gave them a chance for a while. Hahaha. As always, my tutor picked me to be the leader once again and i got no complain. It means something right? Hahaha. (quoting: "I'm the dominant bitch" thingy).

Hmmm.... For the first time, i'm no longer involved with the orientation of the new juniors so i got the chance to return back late to college. Hahaha. It was July 2010 and our first attachment was at SGH once again. This time we will be going to the Orthopaedics Unit (Male & Female Ortho Ward and Ortho Specialist Clinic).

What can i say huh? The first 2 weeks we were in the Male Ortho. It was fun there. We also went to the Specialist Clinic once every 2 days. The staffs were nice but the work was tough. Basically, we were the only students around so all the hard jobs were given to us. We have the whole ward to ourselves. Aint that fun? Hahaha. I kinda like Male Ortho despite the long hours of dressings. The sisters were kinda cool there. The working environment was fun and everything was organized well.

Male Orthopaedics

After two weeks in Male Ortho, we moved to Female Ortho. I didnt like it there. Well, most of the staffs were unfriendly and we were treated like somekind of stranger. But there were few of lovable staffs there where i usually hang out with. Hehehe. But still, that ward was like a hell. No matter how hard we worked, some of the staffs will try to find any mistakes that we did. I dunnola them, maybe they were SO PERFECT. They were born in this world with a nursing diploma tucked between their ass. Gheez, I hate it.

Well, after 4 weeks with my new group, i felt okayla with them although sometimes they got on my nerves but they were controllable most of the times. And I hope that stay like that for the rest of the semesters :-) and I believe they do.

p/s: sorry for the lack of photos....I've lost my Satio and all of the pics were in there =(

Semester 4: Part 3 (Male Surgical & Geriatric Ward SGH)

After the mid-semester break, it was our turn to have our practical in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH). I was kinda excited too because i never been to that place before this. When i was a junior, i often saw some of the seniors were waiting for their bus ride to SGH every morning. Now, it was my time. Time flies away so quickly than you could imagine.

An old pic of SGH i found from the net

I still remember my first day in SGH. I never been there before and i didnt know anything about the place. I didnt know where the hell is Male Surgical ward. All i knew that my friends told me it was on the 7th floor. Our bus was kinda late that day so we arrived a bit late. My first shift was the afternoon shift and we arrived at SGH around 1.50pm. We didnt know how to use the elevators on the ground floor but the time was nearly 2pm. Oh damn! we decided to use the stairways and climbed up to the 7th floor. Hahaha, it was hillarious.

First day going to SGH....waiting for our bus

I love male surgical ward.... the staffs were nice and the patients too. We were divided into cubicles and i often worked at the acute cubicle. I like it there. Hahaha. Surgical ward was mainly about the management of pre and post surgical patients. We have to do the daily dressings, daily nursings kinda stuff. Besides, we had to compete with other students as well especially the private colleges one. Being the dominant bitch, i always get the upper hand. Hahaha.... Berebut target every time. And i won most of the time =).

I made lotsa good friends in the ward, especially with the staffs. I didnt know that i was likeable. Hahahaha. Being a student, it is important for you to outshine other students especially in a clinical area. I'm not asking you to "kipas burit" or curry favour but that is a basic law in order to become a good worker. I worked hard and performed well, and i guess the staffs saw everything. If you were likeable, they were willing to give you many opportunities to do alot of procedures...and at the end of the day, you will learn alot more than your other comrades. =)

After 4 weeks in Male Medical, we moved on to our last clinical area for the semester, the Geriatric Ward which was on the 9th floor. The ward was clearly not as busy as surgical ward but it was more fun there. During the first week, i absent for a few days due to my duty as the Student Council's President and i was really busy with the annual dinner thingy. Well, that was the toughest event that i ever organized before. I was nearly on the verge of breaking down but i made it through. Remember, i'm a dominant bitch! Hahahaha.
I still remember my first day doing B.O Management (cleaning up Poo-poo in plain English). I was crying because i had to clean this massive pile of blackish and greenish poo-poo from a stroke patient. Damn, i cant explain you the smell of that thing. Eventhough i used 2 layers of face masks, i still can smell the damn thing. The Sister and one of my team-mate offered to help me but i refused so i did it all by myself (and crying the whole time while doing that) Hahahaha.

With the lovable staffs

Great memories.

I am kinda close with most of the staffs in Geriatric ward because due to lack of works to be done, we had a lot of time to kill by chatting and mingling with each other. That was the best part.
During that time also, I resigned as the Student Council's President due to my term was finally over. It was a hell of a ride. I decided to grabbed 4 juniors under my wings and trained them to be my proteges. You know, you gotta have somebody to continue your legacy right? Well, i got 4! Hahaha.

Days gone by and our clinical days for the fourth semester was over. We had our final exams and once again being a dominant bitch, i got flying colour results. Frankly speaking, i didnt study much. Basically i didnt have time to focus on studying due to my busy schedule during the 4 months period. But i guess God saw how hard i worked and well, miracles happened. If you do good things, eventually you receive good things in return. Right?