
Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I really dont have time to update my blog. Well, i do have free times and all during these holidays but i just dont know why i dont feel like blogging. I do have a few drafts which need a few editing before i'm gonna publish it.
I just dont feel right this couple of weeks...remember that I wrote that i quarelled with a best friend of mine before the holidays. It's on my first post. I dont really wanna talk about how it started. Let's just say that i did some bad stuff that i really really regret. I tried apologizing to him but to no avail.
Since becoming the president, i abused my power too much i guess. My tutor personally asked me to arrange all the clinical postings for my class. And i was very happy for it. It was nice knowing that someone trusted you to do such things. I began to arrange everything. I put the names of the people that i didnt like to have their clinical postings in the bad clinics. Meanwhile, i placed my own friends in good clinics. And of course i can select my own team members and i made a huge mistake.
I selected a small group: only 3 members and i picked the best clinic for us. I picked my own best friend to be in the same group as mine and another Sabahan guy just to even things out so that the classmates wont get suspicious.
I was thinking that if i chose my own friend to be in the same group, i probably have a good time doing the clinicals but it turned out to be the opposites. You see if there were some issues between group members; what more if i have an issue with my own best friend regarding clinical related stuffs, it was really hard to mend and repair everything. It somehow affecting the relationships....and affecting the course of the clinical too.
Well, that is what happened to me now. Back in the college, i can manage 1000+ students but during clinicals, i cant even manage 2 persons! I felt so terrible and i wont feel better until this particular friend of mine accepted my apologies.
I guess this is what people said what goes around comes around (just like in Coki's blog).... Sometimes, when you are on the top, you couldnt resist to be selfish with all the power & perks you have and all the strings that you can pull. If you made the wrong choices like i did, you will probably ended up just like me. Friendships were broken and feelings were torn. If only i picked other people to be in my group, this probably wont happened to me. Yeah, IF ONLY.... IF ONLY IM NOT SELFISH AND SELF CENTERED AT THE BEGINNING.
I'm not really a religous person....but my faith is there. So this coming Christmas, i wont hoping for so much. I just need a miracle. I just want this war to end. I've done too much bad things already. It's time for a damage control. I backstabbed too many people along the way. Now, i'm losing yet a dear friend of mine. I'm really sorry...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I bought the ticket only for was kinda cheap. Honestly, I cant even sleep the night before my flight. I was so excited to meet my high-school friends. Some of them I haven’t meet since SPM was 8 years ago!!! It’s gonna be a really fun reunion.
I arrived at KKIA around 11.30am. I was kinda surprised to see how KK have changed. Alan promised me to fetch me at the airport and he was late as usual (some people never change huh). I went to KKIA’s McD to have my lunch and i was surprised to see they were still selling that Coca Cola glass. Well, it was sold out in Kuching. Alan arrived around 2pm altogether with Danny and Zureen. I was really happy to see them. Alan rented a car for rm70.
Next agenda, we went to the hotel to check in. We stayed in Impiana Mutiara Hotel situated in Kampong Air, directly behind Cathay Cineplex. Well, it was Alan who booked the hotel. Well, the hotel was kinda comfy. We booked a family room (1 queen + 1 single)....there were 5 of us sharing one room. The hotel cost about rm80 per night and it was a bargain. Next step, we went to Centre Point to have lunch (yeah, i ate again) and doing some shopping and chit-chatting along the way.
At night, we went for dinner at Tanjung Lipat and it was fully sponsored by Danny.....thanks Dan, you’re the best.
We ordered some juices (all large size)....carrot, watermelon, honey dew and orange for rm7 each. Cheap? Expensive? I dont really care coz i’m not paying for it anyway. Hahahaha.

Then we ordered mushroom seafood soup....forgot the price.

Then kangkong with belacan....also forgot the price. It was overcooked and soggy, but we ate it anyway.

Danny ordered Fried Chicken with Thai Sauce....

I ordered us Butter Squid....and it was really good!

We also ordered Ikan 3 Rasa.....well, i can taste only two rasa, sweet and sour....i couldnt find the third one though. Hahaha...

Well, the dinner cost about i said, sponsored by Danny. I think the price is quite okay. This is what happens after the dinner......

After the dinner, we sent Danny to 1Borneo cos he's staying at Tune Hotel. Meanwhile the three of us have to go to LCT to fetch Ezlyian who will arrived at midnight. We were kinda tired by that time....but it was really fun.

While waiting for Ezlyian, Zureen decided to roll around the chairs and he lost his wallet there. We went back to hotel and he noticed his wallet was lost. We decided to head back to the LCT and we found his wallet just under the chair he used just now. Hahahaha. It was funny though. Thank God there were not many people in the airport because it was late at night.
We went back to the hotel and slept around 3am...but not before we took this stupid picture....hahahaha.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Vacation time

I'm going for a vacation tomorrow......yeah, I'm going to Kota Kinabalu. The last time i've been there was in 2001. I'm going to attend my friend's wedding and I'll be posting about it soon.


Never in a million years i ever imagined entering the medical field. Back when i was a kid, i always wanted to be a teacher. But i guess it was written, i never meant to be a teacher (although i strongly believes that i'm a very good educator). To make stories short, after my parents got divorced, i cancelled my plan pursuing my bachelor degree due to ....well, economy and emotional problems. It was a hard decision.

I have to be the leader of the family now coz i'm staying with my mum and my bro. So that i decided to look for a job. I worked in KL as an admin for a few months, i decided to get back to Sarawak coz i just cant stand leaving my mum and my bro alone at home. i managed to become a GSTT (guru sandaran tidak terlatih) for a few years and believe me, it was a lot of fun.

I just dunno why i decided to apply for SPA and suddenly the letter came. I reluctantly came for the interview...well, my first choice is male nurse but when i came into the interview room (I was 15 minutes late...that's the other story), the interview guy said there is no opening for male nurse at that time in sarawak, so i have to interview for the post of medical assistant. MA??? What the hell is MA??? All i know is MA is the guy who works in clinic with stethoscope at that time.

I dont want to talk much about my interview because it was pathethic. I got zero knowledge about MA. Lucky for me, i passed and selected to to train as MA in KSKB Kuching. Reluctantly, i leaved Sibu with no money and registered myself there. It was a blur during the first day of class. I've been teaching for 2 and half years, and suddenly i becoming a student again. Karma huh???

Now, i'm entering semeser 4. I got excellent pointers last sem ...3.8 (i know it's not 4 flat but HAVE U EVER GET 3.8????)....and I'm doing pretty well in medical fields....and I'm still learning though. To top it all, i won the election and I became the president of the student council for the college....which is quite an accomplishment for a guy who came to KSKB with no goals at all. I suddenly realized, i belong to the medical services.

Being the president is a curse and a blessing at the same time. The good parts are, i became uber famous as public figure and i became the power player in college in terms of administration stuffs, students' welfare stuffs etc. I became close with most of the tutors and gaining their trust is not easy i tell you. This kind of relationship is vital especially when i'm the working field soon. i got lots of perks, invitations and so on. It was nice. I am the VIP of the college.

But the bad parts.....I got tonnes of works to do. Not to mention the pressure that i got from envious students, busybody lecturers, and other villains. But i prevailed. I even got that 3.8 CGPA hello.

But there is one thing that i truly regret. My social life drastically changed. I barely had time with my friends because of my works. My friends are leaving me one by one. I know it's not their fault. I even heard rumours that they were frustrated with the way i acted. I've changed. I became the diva, i became snobbish, arrogant and lots more. Maybe i guess it's true. I never expected this to happen. If i only knew, i probably hold on to an anchor so that my feet still touch the ground. Unfortunately, it was kinda late.

Recently, i've hurted a dear friend of mine because of the silly mistakes that i made. I know he would never forgive me. I guess this is the downfall for me.... well, now's the holidays. I'm hoping to relax and reflect back on my life so far. I hope I can change for the better..... Friends, please forgive me.....