
Thursday, December 3, 2009


Never in a million years i ever imagined entering the medical field. Back when i was a kid, i always wanted to be a teacher. But i guess it was written, i never meant to be a teacher (although i strongly believes that i'm a very good educator). To make stories short, after my parents got divorced, i cancelled my plan pursuing my bachelor degree due to ....well, economy and emotional problems. It was a hard decision.

I have to be the leader of the family now coz i'm staying with my mum and my bro. So that i decided to look for a job. I worked in KL as an admin for a few months, i decided to get back to Sarawak coz i just cant stand leaving my mum and my bro alone at home. i managed to become a GSTT (guru sandaran tidak terlatih) for a few years and believe me, it was a lot of fun.

I just dunno why i decided to apply for SPA and suddenly the letter came. I reluctantly came for the interview...well, my first choice is male nurse but when i came into the interview room (I was 15 minutes late...that's the other story), the interview guy said there is no opening for male nurse at that time in sarawak, so i have to interview for the post of medical assistant. MA??? What the hell is MA??? All i know is MA is the guy who works in clinic with stethoscope at that time.

I dont want to talk much about my interview because it was pathethic. I got zero knowledge about MA. Lucky for me, i passed and selected to to train as MA in KSKB Kuching. Reluctantly, i leaved Sibu with no money and registered myself there. It was a blur during the first day of class. I've been teaching for 2 and half years, and suddenly i becoming a student again. Karma huh???

Now, i'm entering semeser 4. I got excellent pointers last sem ...3.8 (i know it's not 4 flat but HAVE U EVER GET 3.8????)....and I'm doing pretty well in medical fields....and I'm still learning though. To top it all, i won the election and I became the president of the student council for the college....which is quite an accomplishment for a guy who came to KSKB with no goals at all. I suddenly realized, i belong to the medical services.

Being the president is a curse and a blessing at the same time. The good parts are, i became uber famous as public figure and i became the power player in college in terms of administration stuffs, students' welfare stuffs etc. I became close with most of the tutors and gaining their trust is not easy i tell you. This kind of relationship is vital especially when i'm the working field soon. i got lots of perks, invitations and so on. It was nice. I am the VIP of the college.

But the bad parts.....I got tonnes of works to do. Not to mention the pressure that i got from envious students, busybody lecturers, and other villains. But i prevailed. I even got that 3.8 CGPA hello.

But there is one thing that i truly regret. My social life drastically changed. I barely had time with my friends because of my works. My friends are leaving me one by one. I know it's not their fault. I even heard rumours that they were frustrated with the way i acted. I've changed. I became the diva, i became snobbish, arrogant and lots more. Maybe i guess it's true. I never expected this to happen. If i only knew, i probably hold on to an anchor so that my feet still touch the ground. Unfortunately, it was kinda late.

Recently, i've hurted a dear friend of mine because of the silly mistakes that i made. I know he would never forgive me. I guess this is the downfall for me.... well, now's the holidays. I'm hoping to relax and reflect back on my life so far. I hope I can change for the better..... Friends, please forgive me.....

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